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Gibco™ HuMEC Basal Serum-Free Medium (1X)

简要描述:Gibco™ HuMEC Basal Serum-Free Medium (1X) is designed to work with HuMEC Supplement Kit (SKU# 12755013).

  • 产品型号:型号齐全
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2023-07-11
  • 访  问  量:523

Gibco™ HuMEC Basal Serum-Free Medium (1X)

Human mammary epithelial cells cultured in HuMEC Medium have gene expression profiles consistent with normal mammary epithelial cells, as tested on a cDNA microarray.


HuMEC Medium is optimized specifically for the growth of human mammary epithelial cells, and has been performance tested in a growth assay using normal human mammary epithelial cells. HuMEC Medium promotes superior growth of normal human mammary epithelial cells, making it ideal for researchers in breast cancer, drug discovery, and other aspects of breast biology.

Contents and Storage:

HuMEC Basal Serum Free Medium should be supplemented with HuMEC Supplement Kit. HuMEC Supplement Kit and HuMEC Basal Serum Free Media can be ordered together as HuMEC Ready Medium (SKU# 12752010). The HuMEC Supplement Kit includes 5 ml of a supplement mix containing epidermal growth factor, hydrocortisone, isoproterenol, transferrin, and insulin, and 25 mg of bovine pituitary extract. Store the basal medium at +2°C to +8°C.


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