product name:Human Hepatitis B Leukopak(人乙型肝炎白细胞);
cat no:ABC-TC4297;
Size/Quantity:1 vial;
Biosafety Level:1;
Shipping Info:Dry Ice;
Storage:Liquid Nitrogen;
Description:Hepatitis B is a potentially serious liver disease. The Hepatitis B virus can cause inflammation of the liver, cirrhosis and cancer. Hepatitis B can range from mild to severe. It is one of the most common chronic disease in the world.
Leukopaks are obtained by a donation process where blood is withdrawn from the donor via leukapheresis utilizing an aphresis machine such as the Spectra Optia. The donor’s white blood cells are selectively collected and the remaining blood is reinfused to the body.
Hepatitis B leukopaks are obtained by aphresis from donors with Hepatitis B.;
Quality Control:All cells test negative for mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, and fungi;
Application:For research use only.