Product Name:RNA酶抑制剂
ScriptGuard™ RNase Inhibitor prevents the degradation of RNA by eukaryotic RNase A, RNase B andRNase C, but it does not inhibit RNase 1, RNase H, RNase T1, RNase T2 or S1 Nuclease. A potentaffinity for RNases (Ki ~10-14 M) and a 1:1 binding ratio ensures rapid inhibition even when trace amountsof RNase are present. ScriptGuard RNase Inhibitor is free of detectable RNase and DNase activities andmammalian DNA. Because it does not interfere with most commonly used enzymes. It can be used in awide variety of applications, including cDNA synthesis, and in vitro transcription and translation reactions.